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Designing the new SingMass computational network

Phase 1 is underway to expand the Centre for Biolmaging Sciences (CBIS) network into the new SingMass instrumental lab at S1A level 3, NUS

Written by Alan Davis & Dee DUPUY | December 2019

(L to R) SingMass scientists Teck Kwang Lim and Qifeng Lin consult with Al Davis, SingMass IT facility manager, on the design of the network infrastructure in the new SingMass lab.

An important part of Director Ganesh Anand‘s plan to create a nationally coordinated laboratory is the implementation of a centralised computer network that links and facilitates sharing of data between SingMass’ three partner facilities: PPC, SLING and FPL.

The new network will provide coordinated computational facilities that allow each lab to contribute and coordinate their individual analyses to the overall effort of the new national facility, the Singapore Mass Spectrometry Laboratory.

Phase 1 will leverage existing NUS infrastructure within the Centre for BioImaging Sciences (CBIS) to interconnect the Protein and Proteomics Centre (PPC) and the Singapore Lipidomics Incubator (SLING). The next phase of the project is a planned expansion of the network to bring A*STAR’s Functional Proteomics Laboratory (FPL) into the matrix.

The new facility expects to open in January 2020.